A Open letter to Representative Maggie O’Neil

Maine House District 15, Saco

Mrs. O’Neal

I agree that domestic violence in any form is unconscionable in any form, victims of said abuse should receive all available protections and support to prevent any reoccurrence.  I have personally dealt with countless instances of emotional and physical abuses before age 12, with my first hospitalization and foster home at age 4. Ironically enough, this campaign of parental alienation began just before our son’s 12th birthday.  Any abuser and claims of abuse should fully vetted, investigated, and prosecuted.  In this case, I have provided overwhelming verifiable evidence showing the victimization and emotional abuse of a child and father at the hands of a corrupt system in support of a mothers vindictive baseless abuse allegations unsupported by facts, evidence or investigation. Persons making false claims of abuse are in kind perpetrators and as such should be prosecuted with the same veracity. 

Excuse me if I do not accept the previously unknown one-hour conversation you say you had on my behalf as progress in my case.  My requests for information, equality, and justice have been thwarted and dismissed as the obstacles to my parenting increase.  In contrast, the state system provides unflinching support, advocacy, and assistance at the mere mention of abuse by the perpetrator in this case.  Despite being amicable and following established procedures, I continue to be stonewalled at all levels of the system, countless legal motions and method as i search for justice, for example:

July 2019, Michelle King, Maine DHHS – In letter responding to my grievance where Maine behavioral Healthcare falsified medical records.

“rights of recipients, does not guarantee competent mental healthcare.”

October 2019, Amy Sylvester, Legislative Aide for Representative Maggie O’Neil, Maine House Majority Office

“unfortunately, the Legislature does not have the authority or the resources to undertake such an investigation.”

“I recognize that this response must be frustrating. I am sorry I’m not able to offer more in the way of assistance at this time and hope you understand that this doesn’t reflect in any way on the merits of your case. It is just outside the scope of potential legislative action – but, again, pursuing legal action does seem like the way forward.”

October 2020, Donna Bailey, on outlining the abuses, requesting executive judicial oversight and revie of applicable laws.

“those principles are already encapsulated in our statutes, Constitution and cases.”

“Good luck with your advocacy.”

October 2019, Martha Currier, Director of Constituent Casework, Office of Governor Janet Mills – in requesting a meeting and independent review.

“Governor Mills reviewed your requests to meet and has determined that only the courts can decide the outcome in this matter. You should continue to seek private legal advice to see what legal remedies may be available to you.”

I am perplexed how reaching out to my elected leaders, publicly demanding action and my showcasing the politically motivated move to vote down legislation strengthening parental equality rights within a system which has destroyed my financial security and is victimizing my son. You may not like my words or the method of delivery, I have reached out in good faith, with respect and maintained a focus on an issue impacting many of your constituents regardless of sex or political affiliation. My actions have not risen to the standard of attacking or abuse.  You diminish the plight of domestic violence victims when you draw parallels as you have. I am in no way personally attacking you or threatening harm upon you. 

  1. As someone having suffered domestic abuse, how do you feel about a mother using false allegations to alienate a son from a father and manipulate the family law process and diverting resources from a party in need?
  2. Why are you not more alarmed or concerned?
  3. Do you find it concerning that the Maine Law Court, ruled that Maine District Court violated my Constitutional Rights in denying my request to cross examine Guardian ad litem Jeanette Durham despite her being present at the final hearing and over my objection?
  4. Are you concerned that Maine Behavioral Healthcare fabricated medical records and accepted baseless allegations as fact in a mother’s campaign to alienate a son from his father.

Leaders such as you have the ability to give voice to Parents abused by a corrupt system a voice, instead you chose to parrot the words of Rep Donna Bailey. You have worked counter to your oath of office and the interests of your constituents. You as my elected representative are responsible for a system that routinely alienates loving parents from enables the emotional abuse of their children.  As is clear here, you can choose to act or not.  Voters should know if you work for them, words do little when action is required.  I am committed to effecting changes and ending this cycle of corruption and abuse tearing families apart.  To be fair, I am not sure if your opponent is any better.  I am just getting started and whether you win re-election or not I will remain focused on effecting the necessary changes to this broken and corrupt system. 

Thank you,

Patrick Leary, Committed Father & Parental Rights Advocate

Additional Information:  https://www.facebook.com/PatrickRLeary/posts/10165122552125377.

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